History – Award Winners Presentations 2006-07

The annual Club Presentation Dinner took place on 11 May 2017.

John Brand, who has taken pictures of such events for the Club for a number of years, was again present, and these pictures are courtesy of John.

The dinner was attended by two ‘living legends’, Tim Burton, Head of Operations at the WRU, and lifetime Stradey man Anthony Buchanan. These two Top table shots show Gareth Jones, Anthony Buchanan, John Kendrick, Tim Burton, Phil Davies and, in the second picture, Handel Davies

John Halliday Award for 1st XV Player of the Year – presented by Tim Burton to Gareth ‘Babs’ Williams

John Halliday Award for Athletic Player of the Year – presented by Geraint Williams to Emrys ‘Gog’ Evans

The Handel Davies Award for Youth XV Players’ Player of the Year – presented by Neville Hughes to Glyn Jones

Special Award – presented by Mark Vince to Roy James

Youth Player of the Year – Nigel Clarke to Daniel Oakley

Jeff Jones Trophy for 1st XV Most Tries Scored – Lyndon Lewis to Viv Jenkins

Rhodri Hughes Trophy for 1st XV Most Improved Player – Anthony Buchanan to Emyr Phillips

Dai Williams Memorial Award for Supporters Player of the Year – Carwyn Williams to Andrew ‘Cantona’ Jones

Special retirement presentations: Rob Walters to Roy James, Captain Arwel Davies to Andrew ‘Cantona’ Jones and Ceri Davies to Eifion Gwynne

Carwyn Davies Ambassador Cup – presented by Phil Davies to Bryan Weaver

DT Davies Cup for Clubman of the Year – Gareth Jones to Dai ‘Manchester’ Evans

Tony Davies Memorial Trophy for Player Clubman of the Year – presented by Andrew ‘Cantona’ Jones to Ioan ‘Penlan’ Davies – incidentally, Ioan was the player who not only kept the pace up in the final seconds at the Millennium Stadium, by taking a quick lineout, but also touch-passed the ball on in the ensuing movement, leading to our winning try.

Des Clarke Memorial Award for Outstanding Service – presented by Handel Davies to Geraint Williams

Rusty Jones Cup for 1st XV Players Player of the Year – presented by Rusty Jones to Gareth ‘Babs’ Williams

…. and a good time was had by all!